My research explores how international organizations operate and interact, and asks how states harness global governance processes to address transnational threats like terrorism and climate change. I am particularly interested in understanding policy change and compliance with international rules, and in understanding how market forces impact such calculations.

Working Papers (available upon request)

  • “Fighting Facts or Fighting Norms: Contestation over International Law Violations” (with Tyler Pratt); (R&R, American Political Science Review)

  • “Socialization, Information, and the Underpinnings of Institutionalized Cooperation” (with Richard Clark and Christoph Mikulaschek)

  • “Institutional Engagement and Informal Change at the UN General Assembly” (with Bridget Coggins and Annjulie Vester)

  • “Signal, Noise, or Something In Between: Unpacking the Impact of FATF Listing on Bank Decision-Making” (with Devin Case-Ruchala and Mark Nance)

Book Manuscript (in progress):

  • Damage Control: Accountability and Evasion in International Law (with Tyler Pratt)