I’m an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara and a scholar of global governance. Until July 2025, I am on a visiting fellowship at the Oxford Martin AI Governance Initiative, where I’m working on projects related to AI security and safety with attention to institutional design, monitoring, and verification. I received an inaugural Robert A. Belfer International Affairs Fellowship from the Council on Foreign Relations to support my time in Oxford.

My research examines international organizations and global governance. I am particularly interested in the politics of information, including issues of monitoring, compliance, and market-driven enforcement. My book The Bankers’ Blacklist: Unofficial Market Enforcement and the Global Fight against Illicit Financing (Cornell University Press, Jan 2022) was short-listed for the BISA IPEG book prize. My research has been published in International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, The Review of International Organizations, and Journal of Politics. My policy writing has appeared in various outlets, including The Washington Post and The Atlantic.

I received an MPA and PhD from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, and an AB from Duke University. At Princeton, I received two competitive fellowships: the Prize Fellowship in Social Sciences and the Harold W. Dodds Fellowship. Prior to arriving at UCSB, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Browne Center for International Politics at the University of Pennsylvania. Before academia, I worked as an intelligence analyst at the FBI and as a Presidential Management Fellow at the State Department, where I served in INR and on the sanctions team at the US Mission to the UN.

My CV is available here.



Morse, Julia C. 2022. The Bankers’ Blacklist: Unofficial Market Enforcement and the Global Fight against Illicit Financing. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

  • Short-listed for the British International Studies Association IPEG 2023 Book Prize

  • Reviewed in International Affairs, Lawfare, Review of International Organizations

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Morse, Julia C. and Bridget Coggins. 2024. “Your Silence Speaks Volumes: Weak states and strategic absence in the UN General Assembly." The Review of International Organizations.

Morse, Julia C. and Tyler Pratt. 2022. “Strategies of Contestation: International Law, Domestic Audiences, and Image Management.” Journal of Politics 84(4): 2080–2093.

  • Winner of the Best Article Award, International Collaboration Section, Awarded APSA 2023

Morse, Julia C. 2019. “Blacklists, Market Enforcement, and the Global Regime to Combat Terrorist Financing. International Organization 73(3): 511-545.

Davis, Christina L. and Julia C. Morse. 2018. “Protecting Trade by Legalizing Disputes: Why Countries Bring Cases to the International Court of Justice.” International Studies Quarterly 62(4): 709–722.

Brutger, Ryan and Julia C. Morse. 2015. “Balancing Law and Politics: Judicial Incentives in WTO Dispute Settlement.” The Review of International Organizations 10: 179-205.

Morse, Julia C. and Robert O. Keohane. 2014. “Contested Multilateralism." The Review of International Organizations 9: 385-412.

Book Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Morse, Julia C. 2023. “Rule and Resistance in the Anti-Globalization Era.” in Daase, Deitelhoff, and Witt (Editors). Rule in International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Morse, Julia C. 2020. “Blacklists, Market Enforcement, and the Global Regime to Combat Terrorist Financing.” in Kelley and Simmons (Editors). The Power of Global Performance Indicators. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Keohane, Robert O. and Julia C. Morse. 2015. “Counter-multilateralism.” in Morin, Novotna, Ponjaert, and Telo (Editors). The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations. New York: Routledge.


Morse, Julia C. 2024. “Chapter 2 - The Building Blocks of Global Governance: A Comparative Exploration with Lessons for AI.” Global Governance: Lessons and Goals for AI. Microsoft.

Morse, Julia C. 2022. “The Antidote to Dirty Money Déjà Vu.” Cornell University Press Blog.

Morse, Julia C. 15 September 2021. “The Counterterror War that America is Winning.” The Atlantic.

Morse, Julia C. 14 March 2019. “The EU tried to blacklist countries at high risk for money laundering but it backfired. Here’s why.” The Washington Post (Monkey Cage).

Keohane, Robert O. and Julia C. Morse. 2016. “Reply to Critics.” Global Constitutionalism (special symposium on contested multilateralism and global constitutionalism) 5(3): 344-350.

Courses Taught


PS 7: Introduction to International Relations

PS 106HR: International Law, Politics, and Human Rights

PS 124: International Organizations (Undergraduate)

PS 211: Graduate Research Methods 1

PS 272: International Organizations (Graduate)